
WooCommerce plugin for sms notifications

Branded SMS | Business SMS | Bulk SMS In Pakistan

Boosting Sales

Effective communication has always been the backbone of any business.

Almost everyone spending most of their time in front of their smartphones, what’s better than the classic SMS notification to communicate to customers? Not only that, this costs the lowest among all other communication channels, but you also get the highest return possible because of its wide-reaching capacity.

New BrandedSMS Features

Very Easy To Install

Very Easy To Customize

API Is Integrated

Dynamic SMS Setting

Easy Management

Easy Management

Perfect for all business type

As you can see, you can never go wrong in using an SMS plugin. The competition in the eCommerce business is growing more than ever. It is becoming more difficult to stay ahead of the competition while at the same time minimizing the cost. All this can be achieved by integrating an SMS plugin that will notify users of their orders and everything else they need to know. 

Branded SMS | Business SMS | Bulk SMS In Pakistan